Shopping in Iseo historical city center (Piazza Statuto, Piazza Garibaldi, Largo Zanardelli, Via Campo)
Friday Weekly street market in Iseo (food and clothes) in Iseo historical city center (Porto Gabriele Rosa, Piazza Statuto, Piazza Garibaldi, Largo Zanardelli, Largo Dante, Viale Repubblica)
Car/motorbike adventures ideas
Tour of Lake Iseo with possible stops in Lovere, Pisogne, Sarnico
Walking tour of Iseo historical city center (Piazza Garibaldi, Santa Maria del Mercato, Castello Oldofredi, Pieve di Sant’Andrea, Palazzo dell’Arsenale, Lungolago)
Visit to the main villages of Lake Iseo: Monte Isola, Lovere, Pisogne, Sarnico